Professor Pakzad awarded Lakehead University Research Chair
Professor Leila Pakzad from the Department of Chemical Engineering has been awarded a Lakehead University Research Chair by the LURC Selection Committee.
The Lakehead University Research Chairs Program (LURC) recognizes high quality research, scholarly and creative achievement, by providing a two‐year research grant to support an individual’s program of research.
This latest achievement builds on the Faculty’s success in obtaining LURCs, including most recently Dr. Salama Ikki (2021-2023), as well as previous awardees Dr. Wilson Wang (2019-2021), Dr. Abdelhamid Tayebi (2012-2014) and Dr. Baoqiang Liao (2008-2010).
The LURC Selection Committee noted the high caliber of applications this year, making the adjudication process all the more competitive. In particular, the Selection Committee noted Dr. Pakzad’s research and service achievements, especially considering a heavy teaching load. They also noted the high quality of Dr Pakzad’s publications, as well as the social applicability and impact of her work.
The grant will fund Dr. Pakzad’s research project titled “Respiratory Aerosol Dynamics with Applications to Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery (NSERC/CIHR)”.